Just five weeks remain until we board a plane for language school in Albertville, France!
We have just returned to Dayton Ohio, after having completed the phonetic and cross-cultural training in Colorado and support raising in Iowa.
In the past 3 weeks, you have raised us from 30% to 81% in recurring support! Praise God!
Our hearts are overwhelmed by God’s provision through your sacrificial giving! Thank you for joining the Lord in ministering to the people of Gabon!
Our remaining financial need is $949/month in recurring pledges.
If you feel led to partner financially with us in our ministry at Bongolo Hospital, click here for information on ways to give or contact us via e-mail for more information.
We are grateful to the Lord for the life-giving training we received in Colorado at Mission Training International, particularly through the authentic connection in our small groups and through the life giving ministry of Jeff Brake in our coaching sessions.
Click on the 1 Second-a-day video below for a glimpse into Part 2 of training in Colorado, support raising in Iowa and our journey back to Dayton!
Please pray for us as Christopher sits for written and oral comprehensive exams for graduate school on December 5th, 7th and 14th.
Please pray also that the Visa application process will go smoothly in these coming weeks.
Thank you running alongside us on this journey!
With Love,
~The Edmans
Christopher, Amanda, and Matthias